Dear Supporter
May I introduce myself, my name is Roger Gravett and I am the Brexit Party London Regional Campaign Manager.
I am pleased to inform you that we have now resolved the problems with our data protection and communications systems and look forward to contacting you and the other London Brexit Party supporters on a regular basis.
The next few months will be critical for the future of our country as we seek to achieve the true Brexit which we all want.
We are building a team across London in order to maintain the pressure on Boris Johnson and the Government to achieve the verdict of the people and to be ready to fight a potential early General Election in the event of it being called. We are looking for volunteers to serve as constituency managers and area team managers. If you are interested and would like to know more about what these roles entail, please contact my Deputy Andrew Price on [email protected] or mobile number 07865 069219
Roger Gravett
London Regional Campaign Manager