The Nation calls my primary race one of the MOST important progressive fights in America.
Click here to donate.

Turn on images to see Arati Kreibich. Turn on images to see Arati Kreibich on a Zoom call with Adam Green and PCCC members.

I'm Dr. Arati Kreibich. I used to volunteer for my Democratic member of Congress. I had his sign in my yard.

But he called for bailing out private equity firms and high-interest lenders that prey on low-income Americans.

He voted to weaken Dodd-Frank and deregulate big banks after taking over $2 million from Wall Street PACs and employees. And when he was asked about Medicare for All and the Green New Deal, he said "none of those things are going anywhere."

Ever been disappointed by a Democrat you helped elect? I know we can do better -- that’s why I’m running for Congress in NJ-5 against Rep. Josh Gottheimer. Click here to donate to my campaign right now, and help replace Gottheimer with a bold progressive.

A couple weeks ago I joined dozens of PCCC members on a really fun Zoom call. I shared with them that I'm an immigrant, neuroscientist, and a mom running on Medicare for All and the Green New Deal.

I’m refusing all corporate PAC money -- my campaign is funded with grassroots donations from PCCC members and thousands of activists nationwide.

While Gottheimer bails out Wall Street, I’m supporting rent relief and $2,000 a month for every American during this coronavirus crisis.

And, as PCCC leaders shared on our Zoom call, Rep. Gottheimer is the Joe Lieberman of 2020. He actively organizes moderate Dems into shameful actions, like stopping Nancy Pelosi from using her bargaining power against Trump to put an end to family separations at the border.

The Nation calls my primary race, now just weeks away, one of the MOST important progressive fights in America. Can you chip in to my campaign today? Click here to donate.

Thanks for standing up.

-- Arati Kreibich, candidate for Congress, New Jersey's 5th District











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