Donald Trump wants to slash health care to pay for tax cuts for the super wealthy and mega-corporations. SIGN NOW to say NO WAY!

Dear Friend,

It’s outrageous! Republican leaders in the U.S. Congress are already talking about rolling back the Affordable Care Act (ACA) – which could not only cut access to health care for tens of millions of people, but also could roll back the important consumer protections in the ACA like not allowing people to be kicked off health insurance just for getting sick. This is all happening in a time when we need MORE consumer protections related to health insurance companies, not less. Not okay.1

Quick signature: Tell the Trump administration and Republicans in the U.S. Congress to protect and enhance health care—not cut it!
* When you click, you’ll automatically sign on if we already have your information.

What’s happening? When Donald Trump and his Republican cronies in the U.S. Congress take office in January, one of their top orders of business is to pass a tax package that gives major tax cuts to the super wealthy and mega-corporations. How are they planning to pay for this multi-TRILLION (!!) dollar package? By slashing our health care, specifically the ACA and Medicaid. The ACA helps millions of people get coverage and includes important consumer protections that prevent insurance companies from discriminating against people with what they call “preexisting conditions” (including things like asthma, high blood pressure, and even pregnancy!). Medicaid is a critical health care program that makes sure low-income kids, pregnant women, seniors in long term care, people with disabilities, and families get the care they need.

SIGN NOW: Tell Trump and Republicans in Congress: No cuts to Medicaid or the ACA!
* When you click, you’ll automatically sign on if we already have your information.

The incoming Trump Administration and Republicans in Congress are literally planning to cut millions of people off from health care in order to give massive tax cuts to the rich! It’s Robinhood in reverse, and it cannot happen on our watch! Our leaders should be looking for ways to protect and enhance health care for everyone—not cut it!

Add your name! Tell Trump and Republicans in Congress: No cuts to Medicaid or the ACA!
* When you click, if you have your information you’ll automatically sign on to our letter that reads:

Dear President-elect Trump and Republican Congressional Leadership:

We, as a nation, should be looking for ways to protect and enhance health care for everyone—not cut it! The Affordable Care Act has helped bring the uninsured rate to a historic low and implemented important consumer protections to prevent insurance companies from discriminating against people with medical needs. Medicaid is a lifeline for millions of low-income kids, pregnant women, seniors, people with disabilities, and families in our country. It saves lives, improves the health of our communities, and boosts our economy.

America’s families will not stand for cutting our health care in order to continue spending billions of taxpayer dollars on tax cuts for wealthy individuals and large corporations. We demand: no cuts to Medicaid or the ACA!

>>>Don’t forget to sign on! Tell Trump and Republicans: No cuts to Medicaid or the ACA!
* When you click, you’ll automatically sign on if we already have your information.

This is important: By trying to take away the ACA, the Trump Administration would not only kick tens of millions of people off healthcare, but also seriously undermine the few consumer protections we have in a time when we need more, not fewer, consumer protections.

Speaking of more: The more people who speak out, the bigger our impact. Please take a moment to share our action link with your friends and family.

Together we are a powerful voice for the health of families.

- Felicia, Tasmiha, Elyssa, Donna, Kristin, and the whole & MamásConPoder Team

P.S. Have you given a matched end-of-year gift to MomsRising yet? If you are able to donate today, please do! Your donation will help grow and strengthen our movement and defend the ACA and Medicaid.

1 CBS News: Trump could target Affordable Care Act and Medicaid to help pay for lower taxes, experts say
2 CBPP: Medicaid Threats in the Upcoming Congress


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