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Center for American Progress
Beyond the Talking Points: Charter School Policy and Equity
Ensuring a Quality Education for Every Child Web Series
Wednesday, May 27, 2020 • 1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. ET
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#QualityEdChat <[link removed]>
Sharhonda Bossier, Deputy Director, Education Leaders of Color (EdLoc)
Laina Cox, Principal, Capital City Public Charter Middle School
Shavar Jeffries, National President, Democrats for Education Reform
Joshua P. Starr, PDK International
Neil Campbell, Director of Innovation, K-12 Education Policy, Center for American Progress
We would love to hear your questions.
Please submit any questions you have for our panelists using the hashtag #QualityEdChat <[link removed]> on Twitter or via email to
[email protected] <mailto:
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Charter schools have been the source of some contentious debates in the education policy space, often centered on the growth of charters and their impact on traditional public school systems. Yet beyond these debates are a number of issues and policy choices that have deep impacts on the equity effects of charter schools.
This interactive conversation will cover a range of issues, with a focus on less commonly discussed topics in charter school policy such as enrollment issues around student backfill policies, lottery systems, and the perceived notion that charters are able to self-select students for attendance. Additionally, the discussion will explore operations issues that affect equity in charter schools, such as transportation for students to and from school, participation in meal programs, and how schools receive and use funding for facilities and resources. Finally, the panelists will discuss the ability of charters to serve all populations of students, particularly those who need additional services such as students with disabilities, English learners, and foster or homeless youth.
Please join the Center for American Progress to discuss charter policy in a broader context than the often debated talking points. This discussion aims to step back and examine the current state of the charter debate and where we might go from here, with an emphasis on how equity can be infused more holistically into charter policy.
Wednesday, May 27, 2020
1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. ET
This event will be live captioned at <[link removed]>.
Closed-captioned-enabled video will be posted following the conclusion of the event <[link removed]>.
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