When I was 13, my mom gave me a note from my birth mother that read, “I hope you can give my baby a better life than I can.”
Since China had a one-child policy when I was born, my birth mother must have felt so scared when she saw her positive pregnancy test.
She could have chosen to get rid of “this problem” by getting an abortion. In fact, the government would have encouraged it, but instead, my mother chose Life. She chose me.
By choosing adoption, my birth mother showed the greatest form of love: sacrifice.
She went through the joys and hardships of pregnancy knowing that she would not be able to watch me take my first steps, get to know my personality, or hear me say her name for the first time.
When she placed me in the stranger’s arms, she didn’t know where my life would go, but what she did know was that my life was worth living, even if that meant it was without her.
Because of my birth mother’s strength, courage, and love, I now proudly fight against abortion through Texas Right to Life’s college scholarship program, the Dr. Joseph Graham Fellowship.
Texas Right to Life Fellows serve in multiple ways through our Pro-Life clubs:
✅ Hosting educational events;
✅ Volunteering in our communities; and
✅ Helping pregnant and parenting students on our campuses.
The abortion movement silences the stories of women, like my mother, who make beautiful adoption plans. The anti-Life movement tells women that they can get rid of their “problem,” their child, simply because they don’t want or aren’t ready for him or her.
I became passionate about being a voice of truth and light for women who may be in the same situation as my birth mother.
Texas Right to Life has been an immense vessel to fulfill this calling. I now serve as President of the University of St. Thomas’ Celts for Life in Houston and am one of 51 scholarship recipients of Texas Right to Life’s Dr. Joseph Graham Fellowship.
The work we do on our campuses and in our communities is vital because the abortion industry aggressively targets pregnant college students.
Even after the reversal of Roe v. Wade, we still have a lot of work to do to create a culture that respects Life.
Will you contribute any amount today to accomplish this mission? >>
A gift to the Texas Right to Life Committee can help Texas Right to Life's legislative and advocacy efforts such as stopping illegal abortions and promoting adoption.
A gift to the Texas Right to Life Educational Fund is tax-deductible and can help endeavors such as training Pro-Life students in the college scholarship program.
Your donation before the end of the year can give hope and life to thousands of children and families.