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Dear Friend,

My name is Katie Deabler, and I’m a Staff Attorney at the National Center for Law and Economic Justice. As we approach our December 31 fundraising deadline, I’d like to talk to you about how your donation will help support our efforts to defend and expand SNAP access for low-income people.

NCLEJ is one of the ONLY organizations in the country with a dedicated program to expanding access to the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), also known as food stamps. We have helped tens of thousands of families access the benefits they need to prevent hunger and malnutrition.

In May of this year, we secured a major victory in our federal lawsuit against the Missouri Department of Social Services over their dysfunctional administration of their SNAP program. A federal judge ruled that the State’s practices – including wrongful denial of benefits resulting from a dysfunctional call center, and lack of disability accommodations – violate federal SNAP law, the Due Process Clause, and the ADA. The decision will ensure that all Missourians can access SNAP.

This case is the first in the nation to use litigation to address SNAP call center dysfunction, and we are so proud of the impact we’ve made for low-income families in Missouri.

But with the re-election of Donald Trump, we can expect that his radical and extreme agenda will include renewed attacks on public benefits programs – especially SNAP. We are preparing for the worst, and we know that Trump’s policies will affect the communities that we serve.

NCLEJ has the tools to fight back. Our work to protect and expand SNAP access is now more important than ever before, which is why it’s absolutely critical we raise as much money as possible to support our mission. I am urging you to donate whatever you can spare ahead of our December 31 fundraising deadline.

Thank you,

Katie Deabler
Staff Attorney, NCLEJ

The National Center for Law and Economic Justice advances racial and economic justice through ground-breaking impact litigation, policy advocacy, and support for grassroots organizing. We have provided legal representation and support since 1965.
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