
Since the People’s Party was founded in 2018, we’ve made a name for ourselves by boldly speaking out on issues that the political establishment considers taboo.

One of these issues is the so-called “Diversity, Equity & Inclusion” programs (DEI).

DEI is a fundamentally racist, anti-white, sexist, and discriminatory ideology that divides Canadians into oppressors and oppressed, creates blatant injustices, and undermines social cohesion.

Under the pretext of promoting nice-sounding goals, it does the exact opposite: it imposes a uniform far-left perspective, and unfairly gives more rights to some, while excluding others.

There’s a strong backlash against this ideology in the US and many companies and institutions have abolished their DEI programs and brought back hiring criteria based solely on meritocracy.

But here in Canada, these programs have been imposed by the Trudeau government not only on the civil service, but on all sectors of society, whether it’s the Armed Forces, businesses, universities or any other group that received government funding.

I’ve been denouncing these awful programs for years and made it crystal clear that they should all be abolished.

And earlier this year, we added a specific policy with this commitment in our party’s platform. You can read it here.

Now, have you heard Pierre Poilievre denounce this toxic ideology?

He did once or twice when asked if he supported it. Otherwise, he keeps quiet.

Pierre is very busy dressing up and pandering to every ethnic and religious minority in the country.

He’s probably afraid that he will get criticized and lose some votes if he denounces programs that benefit some of these groups.

Will a Conservative government abolish them? Who knows! I wouldn’t bet on it.

This is just one reason among many why it is absolutely crucial for the future of our country that the PPC’s voice continue to grow stronger and influence Canadian politics.

We are the only voice speaking common sense in defense of Canadians. If our voice was ever silenced, these issues would be ignored completely.

John, what is this voice worth to you? Is it worth another $25?

Then you should donate $100, because that’s what it will actually cost you after you file your tax return this spring!

Can you afford $100? Then you should contribute $400, because you will get $300 back in tax credit in a few months.

Don’t procrastinate! There’s only three days left before the end of the year!


Thank you so much for your support,

P.S.: I am especially grateful to all those – students, retirees, unemployed – who pay the full cost of their donations because their modest incomes are below taxable levels and they get no tax refund.


People's Party of Canada
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To make a donation with a cheque, please use this address: Suite 700, 1 Nicholas St, Ottawa, Canada, K1N 7B7. The cheque must be made payable to People's Party of Canada. To make an online donation, please visit our website: Thank you!
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