We need support from Democrats across California to keep Rep. Harder in Congress and keep CA-10 Blue
POLITICO: Shocking social media posts yanked by Republuican House candidate. Accoutns of Ted Howze, running for a competitive seat in California, demeaned Muslims and mocked a Parkland survivor. [Support Josh Harder]

This is why we need to keep Rep. Josh Harder representing CA-10, John.

We need support from Democrats across California to keep Rep. Harder in Congress — can we get 5 people to send $5 from wherever you’re “safer at home?” DONATE $5 » While Congressman Harder is fighting to...
  • Include 4 of his bills within the HEROES Act that provide more doctors, better healthcare and support for the Central Valley.
  • Shore up benefits for veterans.
  • Secure 30,000+ masks and PPE for Central Valley residents.
His GOP opponent was caught posting outright racist and conspiratorial messages on his personal social media. The posts were only deleted the day he launched his first congressional campaign in 2018, but there are screenshots.

Ted Howze is out of touch with the Central Valley. We need to keep Josh in this seat with our grassroots support → KEEP CA-10 BLUE John, we can’t let Republicans use fear to divide us and continue to rig the system to their benefit. Ted’s contributing six-figure checks from his own bank account to his campaign while behind the gilded gates of a golf course in CA-9.

Central Valley Democrats deserve better than what Howze has to offer. Show your support today: actblue.com/donate/cdp_harder

-The CADEM Team

PS. Here’s the kind of hateful garbage Howze has been posting about in a district that’s home to 10,000 DREAMers. Donate to keep Congressman Harder in office →

DONATE NOW Our Democratic leaders are working hard to make California a better place to live. From fighting for good-paying jobs, combating climate change, to expanding healthcare access so all Californians can lead safe, healthy, prosperous lives — California’s Democratic leaders turn progressive ideas into meaningful action.

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California Democratic Party
1830 9th St
Sacramento, CA 95811
United States