Archbishop Gomez: "The humanity of others is never negotiable"

Violence, Racism Raise Fears but Bishops Call for Determination in Addressing the Issues

Horrific mass shootings in El Paso and Dayton merged with the national debate on racism last week, leaving many people exasperated but also forging renewed determination to combat the evils of violence and racism in our society.

"After El Paso," wrote Los Angeles Archbishop José Gomez, it is clear "[w]e need to help our society to see our common humanity - that we are all children of God, meant to live together as brothers and sisters, no matter the color of our skin, the language we speak, or the place we were born."

He went on to say how "[w]hite nationalism and domestic terrorism are nothing new, sadly," mentioning the history of Japanese internment camps, the lynching of Mexicans in Texas, and the bombings of churches in the Jim Crow South.

Bishops from two California dioceses - Bishop Oscar Cantú, San Jose, and Bishop Daniel Garcia, Monterey - were especially swift in calling for action after the apparently racially motivated shooting in El Paso. 

Both their dioceses were impacted by the shooting in July at a food festival in Gilroy, a town that lies near the border of the two dioceses.  Both (along with Archbishop Gomez) also served in Texas dioceses before moving to California.

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Overhauling Legal Immigration - Through the Back Door

(This article originally appeared last year when draft rules were proposed.  The public charge ruled announced this week will become effective on October 15, 2019.  For a comprehensive analysis of the final rule visit the Catholic Legal Immigration Network's public charge page.)

Last month, the Trump Administration announced a dramatic change to long-standing definitions of what constitutes a "public charge" for legal immigration purposes.  Bishop Vasquez, Chairman of the US Conference of Catholic Bishops' migration committee said that the changes, if enacted, would "undercut decades of administrative policies and guidelines on how immigrants are is likely to prevent families from accessing important medical and social services vital to public health and welfare." 

In late September, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) announced a proposed change in how it will evaluate the admissibility of immigrants based on their likelihood of becoming dependent upon the state. Although the "likely to be a public charge" provision has been part of federal immigration law since the 19th century, the new regulations would constitute a dramatic departure from existing practice. If implemented, this proposal could undermine the well-being of hundreds of thousands of immigrants and their families already in the country, and dramatically alter the nature of future legal immigration to the United States.

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California Dioceses Ordain More than Forty to Priesthood

In a year when some California lawmakers attacked the core forgiveness ministry of Catholic priests, 44 men were ordained to the sacred priesthood for California, accepting God's call to serve his people.

Ordinations took place around the state, including the dramatic metropolitan cathedrals of Los Angeles and San Francisco, seven diocesan cathedrals from Sacramento to Orange, parish churches and the chapels of religious orders.

The Archdiocese of Los Angeles and the neighboring Diocese of Orange each joyfully ordained six new priests.

The Monterey diocese ordained four men. Bishops in San Francisco, Oakland, Sacramento, San Bernardino each ordained three men.  San Jose and Stockton each ordained two priests while Fresno and San Diego each ordained one.

Among the religious orders, the Jesuit province ordained six men for work in California. The Order of Preachers (Dominicans) ordained two and the Augustinians and Benedictines each ordained one.

Each new priest's story is unique, yet they share similar paths. Each listened intently, prayed hard and concluded that it was God asking them to give their life into service as a Catholic priest.

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End of Session Rush in Full Gear

The California State Legislature reconvened from summer recess this week and legislators are now working feverishly to shepherd their bills through both houses and onto the Governor's desk before the end-of-session deadline.  Close to 3,000 bills were introduced this year, and while not all of them are still active, the CCC is still tracking close to 700 of those bills.

The Legislative session ends at midnight on September 13. You can expect to continue to see alert activity as the bills are sent to Governor Newsom, who has 30 days to act after he is presented with bills at the end of a session. Being Governor Newsom's first session, it is unclear how his bill signing process will look. There are no guarantees as to whether or when a bill will be signed or vetoed, so please stay diligent in sending letters via the alerts.

As always, visit for a comprehensive list of all bills being monitored by the CCC and thank you for being a voice for life and dignity in California.

August 16, 2019

Vol. 12, No. 22

En Español

SB 24 Still A Threat

As to be expected, SB 24, (Levya, D - Chino Hills) the bill that would provide chemical abortion-inducing drugs for students in public colleges and universities in California, was put on the suspense file during the Assembly Appropriations Committee hearing this week, but the bill is not by any means dead.

SB 24 will come off of the Suspense File and be taken up for vote at any time before the Appropriations Committee Aug. 30 deadline, so you must continue to use the Action Alert to notify lawmakers this bill can't move forward.

Catholics throughout California held a novena from Aug. 3 - 11 asking for intercession from Our Lady of Guadalupe to defeat SB 24. Please continue to look out for any updates on this bill and any other ways you can help speak for and protect life in this state.

USCCB and Catholic Relief Service respond to $2-4 billion cut for State Department and USAID

In a letter from the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) to the Department of State and USAID, the Administration froze between $2-4 billion that Congress approved, and the Administration signed into law for America's development and diplomacy programs. While OMB has lifted the freeze, this is the first step in a potential rescission of the appropriated but "unobligated funds" not yet been committed to a specific contract or project) for 10 State Department and U.S. Agency for International Development accounts.

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