From Southern Poverty Law Center <[email protected]>
Subject Far-right extremists are trying to turn back the clock
Date December 29, 2024 6:59 PM
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Southern Poverty Law Center

Right now, your contribution to our work can have twice the impact.


Far-right extremists are trying to turn back the clock — but we won’t let them succeed., a notorious white nationalist propaganda website, published racist commentary and uplifted anti-immigrant figures like “Unite the Right” organizer Jason Kessler. After decades of being monitored and exposed by the SPLC, VDARE finally shuttered its operations earlier this year. An ongoing investigation by the New York attorney general into the group’s business practices has cost the couple who runs the site upward of $1 million in legal fees. In a July video, founder Peter Brimelow announced his intent to suspend the group’s operations, saying the website “had been destroyed.”

The SPLC’s Intelligence Project also published an influential exposé revealing that known neo-Nazi Christopher Pohlhaus was plotting to build an armed white supremacist training ground for the group he calls “Blut Stamm,” German for “Blood Tribe.” Pohlhaus was clearing a 10.6-acre plot in Maine, traveling the country to recruit followers and soliciting cryptocurrency donations to build and stock the enclave, where he flew a giant Nazi flag.

This investigation led to increased media exposure and in October, Pohlhaus sold off the land, went quiet and appears to have abandoned his plans in Maine.

Right now, your contribution to our work can have twice the impact on our work fighting hate. Between now and Dec. 31, every dollar we receive will be matched dollar-for-dollar up to $1 million.


No other organization, not even the federal government, tracks violent, extremist groups as closely as we do. The SPLC monitors more than 1,400 active hate and far-right extremist groups operating in communities across the country. Our Intelligence Project team is investigating and exposing hate leaders, limiting their influence by inoculating the public to hate messages and providing resources to help heal communities harmed by racist hate and bigotry.

The SPLC’s legacy was built on pushing white supremacist groups out of the mainstream and ensuring that their harmful ideologies do not go unchallenged. With your support, we will hold those in power accountable for their actions and ensure the hard-fought victories of the Civil Rights Movement are not lost.

Take advantage of this special $1 million matching gift opportunity and make your generous year-end donation of $35 or more today while it will go twice as far to dismantle hate and strengthen our democracy.


This work cannot wait. The threats we face are immediate and ongoing, and your year-end support is critical. By donating now, you ensure that we can respond immediately to emerging challenges and continue to monitor far-right extremist groups, support victims of hate violence, fight against institutional racism and much more.

In solidarity,

The Southern Poverty Law Center

The Southern Poverty Law Center

400 Washington Avenue

Montgomery, AL 36104

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