Your donation will go directly to protecting tropical forests, the people and wildlife who depend on them and all our work stabilizing the climate. Thanks to members like you:
With our local partners, we've reduced Amazon deforestation emissions by over 2.2 billion tons — all while boosting local agriculture and cattle production.
Through the Lowering Emissions by Accelerating Forest finance (LEAF) Coalition, we've mobilized over $1.5 billion in funding, helping safeguard these vital forests.
Our Tropical Forest Credit Integrity Guide for Companies ensures that carbon credits benefit both the forests and the Indigenous communities who protect them.
John, you can help make even more work like this possible. Please donate today to claim your $2-for-$1 matching funds and triple your impact.
Together, we can safeguard tropical forests and create a healthier future with thriving communities.
Thank you for contributing to a vital Earth for everyone,
Anne Russell Gregory
Manager, Online Member Engagement