Can you help these dogs, Taxpayer?
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Dear Taxpayer,
Thank you to everyone who donated in support of our efforts to end the dog and
primate torture taking place at Case Western University and Rocky Mountain Lab.
We are immediately putting your donations to shut down this taxpayer-funded
abuse and save lives.
And speaking of saving lives...
This week, five years ago, we scored the #1 WIN of all time for cats in labs.
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A WCW investigation revealed
[[link removed]] how the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture’s (USDA) notorious “Kitten Slaughterhouse”
killed and burned thousands of felines in a federal laboratory… and, as you’ll
see, all around the world.
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Taxpayer, Kitten Slaughterhouse was the first cat lab WCW shut down
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With the help of our grassroots army and bipartisan allies in Congress, WCW went
on a five-year winning streak that exposed and CLOSED EVERY SINGLE CAT LAB
[[link removed]] causing pain and distress across the U.S. government.
The fall of the USDA in April 2019 was followed by an unprecedented string of
WCW victories ending Veterans Affairs (VA) labs that suffocated cats in Los Angeles
[[link removed]] , severed their spines in Louisville, and abused kittens in Cleveland
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It also led to the 1st-ever federal policies to retire and release lab survivors
at the VA
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This landmark campaign ended the culture of losing; no other animal protection
group had shut down a federal feline lab in four decades.
After following USDA’s foreign money trail, WCW asked: what else are we funding in China?
In April 2020—exactly one year after exposing #KittenSlaughterhouse via a
Freedom of Information Act investigation—WCW uncovered how American taxpayers funded the Wuhan Lab
[[link removed]] and the probable origin of COVID.
WCW also exposed how the NIH funded 353 more animal labs
[[link removed]] across 57 foreign countries—including $770K to a Russian lab that de-brained
kittens and forced crippled cats to run on treadmills.
Last April, we united the GOP and President Biden to end NIH’s funding for these Russian cat experiments
[[link removed]] . And, for the first time in history, U.S. funding was cut for ALL
#animaltesting across a foreign country.
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Taxpayer, these wins are only possible because of YOU.
Your advocacy and donations fuel our life-saving campaigns, and we couldn’t do
this important work without you.
So on behalf of every government lab animal—THANK YOU.
—WCW Team
P.S. Take Action: You helped WCW end ALL painful government cat labs, but Dept. of Veterans
Affairs (VA) Secretary McDonough is trying to bring them back!
Please take a moment to email your member of Congress and demand they cancel the
VA’s new cat lab and prevent the torture of 7 more cats (the “Stokes 7”).
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[[link removed]]Taxpayers shouldn't be forced to pay $20 billion+ for wasteful government animal experiments.
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White Coat Waste Project (WCW) is a 501(c)(3) government watchdog. Contributions
are tax-deductible.
PO Box 26029, Washington, DC 20001
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Paid for by
The White Coat Waste Project, INC.
EIN 46-0856543