John, Baby bees have a lot in common with baby humans. Their brains are fragile, and exposure to neurotoxins at an early age can do a lot of damage. Widely-used pesticides called neonicotinoids are causing serious neurological damage to baby bees, impairing their ability to learn, navigate and forage for food.1 That's why we're calling on Amazon to help lead the way to save the bees by taking bee-killing pesticides off its virtual store shelves. We've set a goal to raise $200,000 by midnight on Dec. 31 to help power our efforts to protect these tiny baby bees. Will you make a year-end donation to help protect baby bees before it's too late? Scientific research shows that exposure to pesticides is shrinking a critical part of baby bees' brains involved in learning and navigation. As these brain-damaged baby bees grow into adult worker bees, they're unable to perform key tasks, like foraging for food, which puts the entire hive at risk.2 Will the next generation of baby bees struggle to survive an onslaught of deadly pesticides? Or can we do better for future generations? To save the baby bees, we need to stop the worst uses of the pesticides that poison them. If we can do it, generations of bees will continue to buzz through our gardens for years to come. Will you donate now to help stop the worst uses of bee-killing pesticides? When you give to Environment Colorado, you're supporting our mission to protect and restore the natural world. As a non-profit, membership-funded organization, our Year-End Drive is absolutely critical to supporting all the work we do, from saving the bees to tackling global warming and preserving our last old-growth forests. We're counting on you to help save the bees. Baby bees can't speak up for themselves. It's up to us. Donate now. Thank you, Ellen Montgomery Your donation will be used to support all of our campaigns to protect the environment, from saving the bees and protecting public lands, to standing up for clean water and fighting climate change. None of our work would be possible without supporters like you. Environment Colorado may transfer up to $50 per dues-paying member per year into the Environment Colorado Small Donor Committee. |
Environment Colorado, Inc. 1543 Wazee St., Suite 400, Denver, CO 80202, (303) 573-3871 Member questions or requests call 1-800-401-6511. Facebook | Twitter ![]() If you want us to stop sending you email then follow this link -- Unsubscribe. |