Dear Friend,
All children deserve a good start in life. That is why our scholars at EPPC advance policies that promote human flourishing, beginning in the very earliest stages in life. Children deserve protection in the womb, a loving family environment, a sound education free of political and sexual indoctrination, and shielding from the threats to their innocence that lurk in dark corners of the internet. EPPC scholars protect the right to life and promote prudent family policies. We combat gender ideology and woke education, and faced with overwhelming evidence that digital technologies addict and depress children at devastating rates, we propose common sense solutions to protect kids online.
More broadly, EPPC works to defend the eternal truths that were reflected in our country's founding and once animated our culture. We recruit the best thinkers in America to engage both religious and secular disciplines—philosophy, law, social science, theology, medicine—to bear witness to the truths most essential to human flourishing: the intrinsic worth of every human life, the centrality of the family, and the importance of religious liberty.
Friend, will you make a tax-deductible gift of $100, $250, $500, or even $1,000,before the end of the year?
We will be pleased to thank any donors who contribute $250 or more with a gift copy of Tearing Us Apart: How Abortion Harms Everything and Solves Nothing, signed by its authors, my colleague Alexandra DeSanctis and me.
In addition, any donor who contributes $1,000 or more will receive a yearlong subscription to Ethos, the quarterly journal of the Ethics and Public Policy Center.
Your support will facilitate our efforts to renew American ideals and advance human flourishing.