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John, we can’t believe this.
We watched House Republicans plot to CUT Social Security.
We watched them threaten a full government SHUTDOWN to do it.
And now, we just watched them put politics over people and threaten to SHUT DOWN our government AGAIN because they couldn’t agree on a spending plan.
We’ll cut right to the chase, John: This is horrifying. Our government is already in turmoil and Trump hasn’t even entered office yet. So we’re calling on a MASSIVE surge of Democratic support – 6,400 gifts before midnight TONIGHT – to start the new year off in the STRONGEST financial position Democrats have ever seen, and make Republicans rue the day they ever came after our freedoms and democracy. The election may be over, but too much is at stake to sit on the sidelines now. Every last one of us needs to step up if we’re going to win back our well-deserved majority next cycle. So top Democrats just activated their 500% MATCH to help us reach our End of Year Goal – will you chip in a MATCHED $15 before this opportunity expires at midnight? >>
FOR: John xxxxxx
5X-MATCH ID: #103620836
Use your one-time 5X-MATCH verification ID to QUINTUPLE your Democratic donation before the end of the year.
We don’t know what else to say, John.
House Republicans think the American people will let them get away with ANYTHING.
And if they’ve already almost SHUT DOWN our government MULTIPLE time before Trump even took office…
Who's to say what will happen after the inauguration next month.
We need you now more than ever. So please, we’re asking you one last time: Will you rush in a 500%-MATCHED $15 before midnight? >>
FOR: John xxxxxx
5X-MATCH ID: #103620836
Use your one-time 5X-MATCH verification ID to QUINTUPLE your Democratic donation before the end of the year.
Thank you,
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