John, I want to tell you exactly where your donation goes.
Because of grassroots supporters like you, Democrats:
FLIPPED Republican-held seats in California that went down to the last votes, keeping Republicans’ Majority historically tiny.
RE-ELECTED 98% of our House Democrats, thanks to our incredible leadership team of Leader Jeffries and DCCC Chair DelBene.
GAINED seats in the House – winning against the tide of this election.
Because of the generous donations from folks like you, we kept Trump’s House Majority too small to pass his extremist Project 2025 Agenda.
But we can’t let up now, John. Not when our health care, Social Security, and Medicare are all under attack. Democrats are already planning ahead to ensure we have the resources we need to hold fake “moderate” Republicans accountable for enabling Trump’s extremism. But John, that takes resources – and some Democrats spent down nearly ALL of their funds in this election to keep Republicans’ Majority historically tiny. So I’m asking you again if you’ll rush $15 – or whatever you can spare – before the FINAL End of Week Deadline of the entire year in 24 hours. >>
I know you’re sad and disappointed about the 2024 election, John – and I am too.
But Trump and Republicans are counting on grassroots Democrats like you to give up in despair.
And there are THREE upcoming special elections that will let Democrats show the country that we’re UNITED against his far-right extremism.
Please, will you join 2,000 grassroots Democrats and rush a $15 donation before the FINAL End of Week Deadline of the year? I wouldn’t ask unless it was important. >>