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Connecticut was recently awarded $2.8 million through the USDA’s Rural Energy for America Program (REAP) to help our farmers, producers, and rural small businesses adopt cleaner, more efficient energy systems. This funding – made possible through the Inflation Reduction Act – will help lower costs for our agricultural community, promote renewable energy, and strengthen our local economy.
However, with new leadership taking over soon after the New Year, it’s critical that we secure the resources we need to continue to protect and support small businesses and working families. John, we’re just days away from our end-of-year fundraising deadline and we still need to raise $6,491 to meet our last FEC goal of 2025. Will you chip in to help us close this gap? [[link removed]]
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Your support today ensures that Joe Courtney can continue pushing for the policies and investments that help Connecticut’s families, farmers, and small businesses succeed!
Thank you for your support,
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