Here's to another 35 years!
Hi there,
This year marks 35 years since a group of women first gathered in my basement to go through our rolodexes and pool our contacts and our cash to try to elect more women to office.
When we started EMILY's List, we couldn't have imagined what the next three decades would bring.
We knew we could (and would) change the face of American politics. But never in our most heartfelt dreams did we imagine women voters and women candidates would become the predominant driving force in American political life.
Now I want to ask of you what I asked of those women gathered in my basement 35 years ago.
Please donate $3 to our 35th Birthday Fund and help elect the next generation of pro-choice Democratic women to office.
In 1986, Barbara Mikulski became the first Democratic woman elected to the Senate in her own right and we proved that our idea could work.
We elected Ann Richards as governor of Texas in 1990. In 1992, we elected four pro-choice Democratic women to the Senate and 20 to the House — the first "Year of the Woman."
And over the next two decades, the numbers have continued to explode in ways that still bowl me over.
In 2018, more than 300 EMILY's List women won elected office up and down the ballot, flipping the House with our women alone and ushering in the most diverse Congress in history.
It's safe to say that one of my goals in founding EMILY's List was to make every year "The Year of the Woman." Now let’s make it the "Century of the Woman."
What can we accomplish in the next 35 years?
Donate $3 to help elect even more women leaders at every level:
Thank you for an incredible (first) 35 years,
Ellen Malcolm
Founder and Chair of the Board, EMILY's List
