Imagine a world where every child receives a quality education. Where every child eats nutritious meals and remains healthy. Where every child is safe to play freely with their friends, have their rights respected and make their voices heard. A world where every child is able to reach their full potential.
That is the world that UNICEF relentlessly pursues for every child.
Still, more than 47.2 million children have been displaced due to conflict since 2010 while 733 million people continue to face hunger.
Your support in this critical time helps UNICEF reach children in the midst of war, climate emergencies and humanitarian crises to deliver lifesaving aid and ensure they're able to thrive.
Children living through crisis can't wait for a better future — and your 5X matched gift helps bring children closer to a world where every child can flourish.
Thank you for believing in this world for children, and for helping us achieve it.