Dear John, Historically, Memorial Day has been used to mourn the dead in a way that, quite frankly, idealizes war and fuels more military spending at the expense of healthcare and other life-supporting needs. This weekend join us in engaging for peace. Along with being Memorial day, this weekend also includes International Women’s Day for Peace and Disarmament dedicated to exposing war as the leading cause of the climate crisis. In cities across the country, we will decorate our cars and our bikes with messages of peace: Healthcare Not Warfare, War Is Not Green, Global Peace Now, and all the other messages you want to share as we raise the flag of peace. These cities already have peace caravans planned and more are being added: In DC, Iowa City, IA, Los Angeles, CA, Miami, FL, SLO/Morro Bay, CA, North San Diego, CA, San Francisco, CA, Salina, KS, Taos, NM, Dallas, TX, Phoenix, AZ, NYC, NY, San Jose, CA, Philadelphia, PA, and Portland, OR. Don’t see your city listed here? Consider organizing a peace caravan in your community.
Each community will shape their peace caravan event as they want. The goal is to be visible, calling on our country to focus on fighting COVID-19 and the climate crisis, not Venezuela, Iran, China, or any other nation. Looking for more actions to take to end war?
We, like you, have been watching in terror as the coronavirus pandemic has offered fascist leaders around the world an opportunity to consolidate power. We have also been watching in horror as the virus in the US has disproportionately taken the lives of black and brown people. We know that it is only by providing healthcare to all people that any of us can be safe. That is why we are so committed to doing what it takes to achieve a global ceasefire and move the U.S. budget from stockpiling weapons to providing for human needs. Join us this weekend in whatever capacity is right for you to send a loud and clear message: HEALTHCARE, NOT WARFARE! Towards peace, |
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