Here are some of the BIG green-economy victories that Green America recently won. Together with our members... …We successfully pressured Walgreens to drop toxic coatings from their receipts and offer digital receipts to all their customers. With our similar prior victory with CVS, we have gotten the two largest pharmacies in the country to protect workers and customers from toxic receipts, while saving forests of paper. ...We worked with the largest tech companies – Dell, Intel and Apple – to remove the most dangerous chemicals, like benzene, from their manufacturing facilities. That means healthier, safer workplaces for millions of people! …We pushed Carter’s, the largest US retailer of baby clothes, to remove toxic chemicals from their fabrics—protecting millions of families nationwide. ...We pushed Amazon to adopt policies for their lines of clothing that will protect their customers from dozens of harmful chemicals. Now we’re urging Amazon to protect all their workers – from warehouses to factories – and move faster to address the climate crisis. ALL these victories are possible because of consumer power. We’ve learned over the years that no matter who is in political office, economic action is crucial if you want a just, inclusive, green economy that works for everyone. We are moving the largest corporations in America forward quicker than our political leaders. And we need you! Today—right now—you have the chance to do something HUGE. When you make your first-ever donation, your gift with be DOUBLED to make twice the impact in 2025 and we will send you one-year of member benefits. Together, we are a powerful force for good, |