From Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality <[email protected]>
Subject Public Notice: Draft Permit, Commercial Oilfield Wastewater Disposal Facility, Bronco COWDF 53, 2024-0420
Date December 28, 2024 3:01 PM
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Draft Permit Commercial Oilfield Wastewater Disposal Facility, Bronco COWDF 53, 2024-0420, Ownership Transfer

The Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality’s (WDEQ) Water and Wastewater (W&WW) Section regulates the design and construction of commercial oilfield waste disposal facilities (COWDFs) that are required to obtain a permit under W.S. § 35-11-301(a)(iii), W.S. § 35-11-306, and Water Quality Rules Chapter 3. The purpose of this notice is to inform the public that the W&WW Section is proposing to issue a permit to construct for Bronco COWDF 53, under application number 2024-0420 for transfer of ownership to Devon Energy. The permit applicant is Devon Energy Production Company, L. P., 300 N. Works Ave., Gillette, WY 82716. Bronco COWDF 53 is located in Section 16, Township 39 North, Range 71 West of the 6th Principal Meridian, Converse County.

Additional information, including a copy of the proposed permit, is located at *[link removed]* [ [link removed] ] or may be inspected at the mailing address below. Beginning December 28, 2024, and ending at 5:00 P.M, (MST) on January 27, 2025, WDEQ will consider all written comments on the draft permit and written requests from any interested person that requests a public hearing be held. Written requests for public hearings shall be directed to the Water Quality Administrator at the address below and shall indicate the name and full mailing address of the individual requesting a hearing, the interest that individual has in the project, and the grounds for holding a public hearing. Written comments may be submitted via mail to Keenan Hendon, W&WW Section Manager, Water Quality Division, Department of Environmental Quality, 200 West 17th Street, 2nd Floor, Cheyenne, Wyoming 82002, or by fax to (307) 635-1784 [ tel:(307)%20635-1784 ]. Electronic comments may only be submitted through, and accepted by, the WDEQ comment portal provided at *[link removed] [ [link removed] ]*. Interested parties may contact Keenan Hendon at (307) 777-7075 for questions on the draft permit.

Requests for a contested case hearing on the final decision of issuance or denial of the permit shall be made pursuant to the WDEQ Rules of Practice and Procedure, Chapter 2.

*Para español, visite *** [ [link removed] ]". Americans with Disabilities Act: special assistance or alternative formats will be made available upon request for individuals with disabilities.  Please provide at least fourteen (14) days before the close of the public comment period for such requests""."

*Draft Permit [ [link removed] ]*

*Application [ [link removed] ]*

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