From Mises Institute <[email protected]>
Subject Tariffs Won’t Save the US Dollar
Date December 28, 2024 12:15 PM
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Mises Institute
Saturday, December 28, 2024

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Tariffs Won’t Save the US Dollar
Vincent Cook
President-elect Trump has been threatening tariffs against BRICS countries unless they abandon their plans to abandon the US dollar. While Trump may come off as being “tough” in his negotiations, he cannot bluster his way to a stronger dollar.

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A Message from Tom DiLorenzo
Thomas J. DiLorenzo
We won’t stop educating the future champions of freedom. We are in this together, “this” being nothing less than the battle to save Western civilization from the latest onslaught of socialist tyranny.

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Most popular this week
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What Makes Austrian Economics Unique?
The focus on individual human action makes Austrian economics unique, as well as logically valid and compelling. It is a system of economic analysis based upon praxeology and causal-realism.

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Austrian Economics Explains Why the WNBA Was So Hostile to Caitlin Clark
Many people were puzzled why so many WNBA players were hostile to the arrival of superstar Caitlin Clark. Austrian economics shows a logical explanation.

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Bitcoiners’ Guide to Austrian Economics
Bitcoin is many things to people and it certainly has developed into a valuable asset. It also has been used as a medium of exchange. But is it money? According to Austrian economics, the answer is “no.” At least not yet.

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Featured Audio
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Liberalism and Peace
In this 2003 talk, Ralph Raico discusses how the classical liberals routinely denounced war as the enemy of freedom, prudence, and natural rights.

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Obedience to Authority
The most compassionate people can become desensitized and conduct themselves in abhorrent ways when they are obedient to authority.

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The Christmas Truce of World War I
Never forget the Christmas truce of World War I, when troops refused to be pawns of empire for one blessed day.

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The Future of Austrian Economics

Murray Rothbard presented this lecture at Mises University 1990, in the days following the collapse of socialism.

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The Misesian

Another national election has come and gone. Unfortunately, though, opposition to the status quo is not the same thing as support for peace, freedom, or free markets.

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