Also: How can parents help kids cope with quarantine?

Timely conversations that elevate formidable leaders, inspiring thinkers, and remarkable stories.




Leading on the Frontlines: LaToya Cantrell

Local elected leaders are in the eye of the storm when it comes to dealing with the upheaval caused by lockdowns, surging unemployment, and food insecurity. Our new series Leading on the Frontlines features mayors and governors facing tough decisions. First up, New Orleans Mayor LaToya Cantrell gets real about what’s at stake as the city reopens for business. From contact tracing and enforcement to health care accessibility, Cantrell sheds light on her top priorities. Suzanne Malveaux, CNN national correspondent, hosts the series. Next week, she speaks with Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf.




Hope, Trust, and Truth: How the Covid Crisis Will Change Us

Will the disaster wrought by Covid-19 help a divided nation realize its common humanity? Or will the forces of division and hatred flourish and drive a polarized people further into their isolation and apathy? David Brooks, New York Times op-ed columnist and Aspen Institute executive director, checks in with Jonathan Haidt, professor of ethical leadership at New York University. They discuss how the pandemic could shift culture around everything from trust to truth.




Helping Kids Process the Pandemic

From toddlers to teens, kids understand the Covid-19 crisis has changed nearly everything. School is online, mom and dad are home, and quarantine prevents visits with friends. Stress and depression for kids were on the rise before the pandemic, so how is this new challenge impacting them? Child psychology experts Tovah Klein and Lisa Damour weigh in. They’re interviewed by Kate Julian, senior editor at The Atlantic who’s latest cover story is “The Anxious Child, and the Crisis of Modern Parenting.”




Holding Facebook Accountable

Earlier this month, Facebook appointed an independent Oversight Board empowered to make decisions about what content can appear on the social platform. The group, comprised of renowned thinkers and do-ers from a range of backgrounds, will be closely watched by boosters and skeptics alike. Watch a conversation with chairs and members of the Board as they set forth their scope of authority, the nature of the relationship with Facebook, and their aspirations for serving the online community. Presented by Aspen Digital


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A Cleveland organization is tackling the problem of recidivism and feeding its community at the same time. Aspen Global Leadership Network Fellow Matthew Fieldman and the team at EDWINS Leadership & Restaurant Institute are working to improve the futures of formerly incarcerated people. During the Covid crisis, EDWINS has pivoted its dining and food service model to meet the needs of its community. Read more.

Food System Innovators

Grocery stores lack meat, eggs, and some produce. What can be done about food supply chain disruptions? Join Ben Deda, CEO of FoodMaven and Derrick Hoffman, Owner of Hoffman Farms, on May 27.

Mayors Taking on Consumer Debt

The debt management and collections system disproportionately hurts low-income households and people of color. Cities and states are prioritizing consumer protections. Join Saint Paul Mayor Melvin Carter on May 27 to hear why.

Meaningful Conversations

How can we have meaningful conversations during this physically distant time? This week on the Connected Learning Seminars: Loneliness and Solitude. Download the readings and join the conversation tomorrow, May 22.