Honor Indigenous Values Today!
Together, we are making an impact!
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** Double Your Impact: Honor Indigenous Values with Every Gift
Dear Friend,
Indigenous Peoples are the most under-resourced group to receive philanthropic dollars, receiving less than half of one percent of total foundation dollars. We need support from donors like you ([link removed]) to help us provide meaningful on-the-ground support to elevate Indigenous grassroots solutions and build a better world for us all. Will you join us in making a lasting impact? ([link removed])
When you make a gift ([link removed]) to Cultural Survival, it is an act of solidarity and activism, empowering Indigenous Peoples and their communities to create lasting positive change. If you haven’t yet made your end-of-year gift yet, we’d be grateful for your support. Your gift can now go twice as far thanks to our board of directors who have generously committed to match all gifts made through December 31 up to our year-end goal of $250,000! ([link removed]) Your contribution helps us integrate the 4 core values—Relationship, Responsibility, Reciprocity, and Redistribution—that are central to many Indigenous cultures, guiding our work to create sustainable, transformative change.
1. Relationship
Through our Indigenous-led funds, including our Keepers of the Earth (KOEF) Fund ([link removed]) , grants go directly to Indigenous communities, collectives, organizations, and governments to support their self-designed development projects. We work to develop trusting relationships with our partners, to support their projects that will serve their communities now and into the future. In a previous project funded by KOEF in 2023, the community of San Francisco Suc Tuc/Hopelchen, Campeche worked to promote autonomy as a form of community organization. With this first project, the Community Council was recognized as an autonomous authority and a first version of the community statutes were produced. This year as a 2024 grant partner, the goal is to exercise autonomy by strengthening the Council, revising the statutes, demanding the right to receive direct funding, and promoting the participation of multiple generations, specifically children, women,
and youth.
Your investment builds long-term relationships with our partners' communities ([link removed]) , creating a powerful ripple effect, uplifting entire communities, preserving traditional knowledge, and nurturing a resilient and empowered next generation.
San Francisco Suc Tuc, Maya (Mexico)
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2. Responsibility
Our Advocacy Program ([link removed]) supports Indigenous Peoples around the globe by amplifying grassroots movements to bring awareness and international pressure to their struggles while enhancing Indigenous communities’ capacity, always at the invitation of community leaders, to demand and assert their rights outlined in the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. Across our programs, we build trust and relationships with our partners - our advocacy program work is the solidarity action that manifests from the responsibility of that trust.
23rd Session of the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues
3. Reciprocity
We recognize firsthand the importance of Indigenous media and communications. ([link removed]) Cultural Survival’s communications have been a stronghold for many years and connect Peoples, movements, organizations, and others through storytelling across landscapes, waterways, and issue areas both locally and globally. Through our communications, we work to build awareness, reclaim the narrative, and shift paradigms, consciousness, and agency.
“Mama Qota is at risk” Indigenous Rights Radio Program ([link removed])
4. Redistribution
Cultural Survival provides workshops and tailored capacity building ([link removed]) opportunities for our Indigenous partners, especially women and youth, on topics such as leadership, human rights, Indigenous community media, technical skills in radio production and more. On June 7-9, 2024, the 2024 Indigenous Women Radio Broadcasters Exchange ([link removed]) was attended by 22 women communicators from Puebla, Morelos, Guerrero, Yucatán, Quintana Roo, Chiapas, and Oaxaca.
Aligned with one of Cultural Survival's objectives to strengthen the capacities of Indigenous women radio broadcasters to amplify their voices and increase their participation in community radio stations within their territories, this meeting focused on training participants in radio editing and production. Additionally, there were reflections on critical topics for Indigenous Peoples: the right to Free, Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC). Your contribution aids in the sharing and distributing of information, knowledge, and expertise, strengthening Indigenous leadership. ([link removed])
When you make a gift ([link removed]) to Cultural Survival, it is an act of solidarity and activism, empowering Indigenous Peoples to create lasting positive change for their communities and the planet. Please help us continue this important work for generations to come! ([link removed])
Support an Indigenous-led Future! ([link removed])
We need your help to reach our ambitious year-end goal of $250,000 by December 31, 2024! ([link removed]) Thanks to our generous board of directors, all gifts made through December 31 will be matched up to our year-end goal. Double the impact of your gift today!
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Cultural Survival advocates for Indigenous Peoples' rights and supports Indigenous communities’ self-determination, cultures and political resilience since 1972. We envision a future that respects and honors Indigenous Peoples' inherent rights and dynamic cultures, deeply and richly interwoven in lands, languages, spiritual traditions, and artistic expression, rooted in self-determination and self-governance.
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Advancing Indigenous Peoples' Rights and Cultures Worldwide, since 1972
2067 Massachusetts Avenue
Cambridge, MA 02140
(617) 441-5400
** www.cs.org ([link removed])
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