Common Dreams was founded 25 years ago to cover issues the corporate media never will and lift the voices of those fighting for a better world.
That mission is more critical today than ever before.
We can’t promise you we’ll win. But we will never stop fighting. We will never sell you out to corporate advertisers. We plan to be on offense, not defense. And if we go down, we go down swinging.
Here’s the catch: To establish a solid financial footing before Trump is sworn in, we must raise $125,000 by January 1. We're still $45,000 short of our goal with just over four days left.
We are not where we need to be, but if just a fraction of the people reading this email (yes, this means you) donated, we could make up lost ground in no time. That’s what this model is: all of us coming together to create something as improbable as Common Dreams.
So, we’re asking you to please make a year-end donation to Common Dreams. Every gift counts. Only together will we survive what’s coming.