From Lt. Col. Wendy Rogers <[email protected]>
Subject Trump is SERIOUS about stopping the invasion at the border
Date December 27, 2024 11:02 PM
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But is Arizona?

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Hi John,

Arizona has to step up on the border. We have to get serious, fast! ([link removed])

When you look at the moves Trump is making on the border issue, you know this is our chance to really make headway on this crisis- one that has rocked every community in Arizona.

I'm so impressed by how Texas has handled the border crisis. When faced with a hostile Biden regime that was intent on keeping an open border, Texas stepped up. They made enforcement of immigration laws a state responsibility also.

They built a wall and fortified Eagle Pass.

They built a detention center to hold the illegals.

They made it s state crime to enter the country illegally.

Basically, they took leadership over their border, to protect their citizens! Will Arizona do the same?
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We have an historic opportunity here to protect American citizens. President Trump isn't even in office yet- but he's already talking with the government of Mexico to stop the caravans, and planning an offensive against the cartels!
In Arizona, it's a different story.

Our Democrat governor, Katie Hobbs, vowed to resist deportations of illegals, and support the cartels.

Tom Homan responded by vowing the jail anyone- including leftist politicians- who harbors illegals. That is welcome news to my ears!

The truth is, Arizona has been invaded by cartels. They bring crime, drugs, human trafficking, and corruption.

To combat them, last session I proposed an anti-squatter bill to get illegals and cartels who invade the homes of Americans, out. Hobbs vetoed it after it passed the legislature.

Well, I'm going to be back this time, with an even MORE forceful anti-squatter bill. I'm trying to help President Trump take the hiding places away from the criminal invaders in Arizona!
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Texas is serious about sealing the border and stopping the invasion. That's the model for Arizona to follow.

President Trump is VERY serious about stopping the invasion- and reclaiming the border. But he needs a partner in Arizona, and the out-of-touch governor isn't one.

The legislature has a BIG role to play now. We intend to help President Trump!

We have a mountain of legislation that will help fix the myriad problems at the border. YOUR support is crucial toward passing it ([link removed]) - because your support allows us to show the right people that you WANT us to help secure the border!

My goal of $40,000 by December 31 is the tool I need to help change minds and help build support for bills like the anti-squatter legislation. Time is running out though. I still have to raise $15,250, because we have a LOT of work to do- and we need to make sure polls show Arizonans are with us. YOUR support is critical- and we can use it to help seal the border with Mexico and defeat the cartels! ([link removed])

God bless Arizona, and God bless America!
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Wendy Rogers, Lt Col USAF (ret)
Arizona State Senator
Arizona's 7th Legislative District
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PS: President Trump needs a partner to close the AZ border. I want to give him a partner in the AZ legislature. We have SO much we want to do to help- but I don't want to fail. I CAN'T fail. Can I count on you to help me? ([link removed])

Wendy Rogers is a retired member of the Air Force. Use of military rank, job titles, and photographs in uniform does not imply endorsement by the Department of the Air Force or the Department of Defense.

Copyright © 2024 Wendy Rogers for AZ Senate, All rights reserved.

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Wendy Rogers for AZ Senate
2700 S Woodlands Village Blvd Ste 300-242
Flagstaff, AZ 86001-7128

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