Friend – we’d be remiss if we didn’t share this information with you before we close the books for 2024.
Here’s the gist:
Our Conservative House Majority could be on the precipice of disaster. Three NEW Special Elections are around the corner and we’re running out of time to set Republicans up for success in the new year.
We just released our FINAL memo of 2024 and need you to read it immediately. We attached it below:
FROM: House Republicans TO: Concerned American Patriots RE: Our Final Memo of 2024 Fellow Patriot –
NEW Special Elections were just announced in FL-01 for Matt Gaetz’s seat, in FL-06 for Mike Waltz’s seat, and in NY-21 for Elise Stefanik’s seat.
But after the most expensive election in HISTORY, our campaign accounts are dangerously low. It was expensive to defeat the Democrat Machine and deliver a Conservative House Majority for President Trump AND the American People.
Right now we’re short on funds to flood these districts with positive ads, volunteers, and doorknockers to help win these Special Elections decisively.
Now that the dust has settled, it’s official that House Republicans hold a razor-thin Majority. The margins couldn’t be closer.
That means if the Democrats manage to win these Special Elections in Florida and New York, we might as well kiss our Conservative Majority – and our Republican Trifecta along with it – goodbye.
That’s not all…
These Special Elections will be our first major test of 2025. And if we fail, the consequences could be unthinkable. Losing our House Majority could put President Trump’s entire legislative agenda at risk!
So we’re reaching out to every grassroots Conservative for help to replenish our campaign accounts before our End-of-Year deadline on 12/31/2024.
Every contribution will help Republicans refuel before the new year and help us make key budgetary decisions ahead of these three Special Elections. That’s how we'll save our fragile House Majority.
Everything we’ve fought so hard for could be in jeopardy without your help.
So we're pleading with you to help House Republicans with one FINAL wave of support before our End-of-Year deadline.
A personal note from Majority Leader Steve Scalise:
I’m humbled to announce that I am your new House Majority Leader. My first order of business is checking in with our best supporters, so I just launched my new MAJORITY LEADER SURVEY for that specific reason.
Paid for by TEAM SCALISE, a joint fundraising committee authorized by and to benefit SCALISE FOR CONGRESS and EYE OF THE TIGER PAC.
Team Scalise is committed to restoring a Conservative House majority and electing Conservatives across the country. Thank you for being a part of our movement. This message was sent to %%Email__c%% because you are a member of the Team Scalise Conservative grassroots network.
Contributions to TEAM SCALISE, or any participating committee, are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes. Contributions from corporations, national banks, labor unions, foreign nationals without “green cards,” and federal government contractors are prohibited. Federal law requires us to use our best efforts to collect and report the name, mailing address, occupation, and employer of each individual who contributes over $200 in a calendar year.
You can donate via mail by sending a check to: 320 First Street SE 2nd Floor Washington, DC 20003