That’s the donation I’m asking you to make before midnight. No, that’s not a typo – just $15.
$15 to Save Our Health Care and protect the Affordable Care Act from MAGA threats to repeal it.
$15 to expose Trump’s plans to cut Social Security and Medicare.
$15 to hold extreme MAGA Republicans accountable when they push their far-right Project 2025 Agenda.
$15 to help Democrats take back the House and restore our Democratic Majority for good!
I know it doesn’t seem like $15 can do all these things. But if we all give, it adds up – and we’ll be unstoppable.
So, please: Can I count on you to contribute just $15, or more if you’re able? If you – and everyone else reading this – chips in before my End of Week Deadline, we can hold Republicans accountable, take back the House, and kick Republicans out of power for a long time to come. >>