Hi John,
In case you missed our last email: we need your help.
Last year, we launched a new initiative, the Open Infrastructure Circle, an effort to ensure that our CC licenses are funded now and for future generations.
Early support has made a huge difference. We’ve been able to make management and use of the CC licenses more streamlined and accessible.
This progress has freed us up to think about how we might fight even harder for the commons. This year, our small team of 18 worked to build a new Strategy that responds to critical, global challenges: the climate crisis, misinformation, access to cultural heritage, educational inequities, and emerging technologies like Artificial Intelligence.
We’ll keep maintaining the CC licenses. Initiatives like the Open Infrastructure Circle make this possible. But we’ll also fight for the commons.
Maybe you’d like to join us? We’re looking for CC enthusiasts willing to make an annual, recurring donation. Membership in the Open Infrastructure Circle gives you access to quarterly updates on our work, and an open door to participate in conversations on the future of CC and our licenses. You’ll also be listed on our website and Annual Report.
You can easily sign up here.
We hope you’ll consider it!
Thank You!
CC Team
P.S. If a recurring donation is too much of a commitment, that's ok! We understand. You can also support Creative Commons with a one time gift.