Mises Institute
Friday, December 27, 2024
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The Bailout Fallacy
David Gordon
Ruchir Sharma, a non-Austrian, gets it right. He lends strong support to the Austrian position that because competition moves resources to where they best fulfill consumer demand, the government must not interfere with this process by bailing out businesses that fail.
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Inheritance Tax Hikes Threaten Farmers’ Property Rights in the UK
Owen Ashworth
Britain‘s new Labour government is doing what leftist governments always do: raising taxes on everyone, but pretending that only the wealthiest citizens will pay more.Continue ([link removed])
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Obedience to Authority
The most compassionate people can conduct themselves in abhorrent ways when they are obedient to authority.
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Political Economy
The paramount matter is the conflict between economic freedom and totalitarian government omnipotence.
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Ten Great Economic Myths
Our country is beset by a large number of economic myths that distort public thinking on important problems and lead us to accept unsound and dangerous government policies.
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Why the Worst Get on Top
The unscrupulous are likely to be more successful in a society tending toward totalitarianism.
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American Foreign Policy—The Turning Point, 1898–1919
War has warped our constitutional order, the course of our national development, and the very mentality of our people.
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The Future of Austrian Economics
Rothbard presented this speech as the final lecture of Mises U 1990, in the days following the collapse of socialism.
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The Misesian
Another national election has come and gone. Unfortunately, though, opposition to the status quo is not the same thing as support for peace, freedom, or free markets.
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