Dear John, There are only four days left to claim your Oregon political tax credit! The credit allows Oregon taxpayers to give to a political action committee like ORTL PAC and receive every penny back on their tax return when they give by December 31st. As we move into 2025, ORTL PAC is ready to hit the ground running to ensure that pro-life voters like you have the opportunity to support pro-life candidates.
ORTL PAC’s influence on Oregon politics simply wouldn’t be possible without the help of committed pro-life Oregonians like you. So please, don’t forget to claim your political tax credit NOW! Because everyone deserves an advocate, Sharolyn Smith P.S. Already claimed your political tax credit? Click here to opt out of reminders! (you’ll remain subscribed to our regular email list, you just won’t get further tax credit reminders). READ: Oregon Law Provides Unique Opportunity to Push Back Against State’s Pro-Abortion Radicalism *Individuals with federal adjusted gross incomes over $75,000 or joint filers with combined adjusted gross incomes exceeding $150,000 no longer qualify for the Political Tax Credit. However, every contribution is still extremely valuable to our mission. |