
As the Senate’s only working farmer, you better believe I’m pushing to make sure our government looks out for the farmers, ranchers, and little guys out there — not big corporations or special interests.

It’s no secret that Montana ranchers raise the finest beef in the world (I regularly bring some with me to D.C.), but American consumers have no way of knowing if the steak they’re getting in the supermarket comes from here or Mexico.

That’s why my Rancher Relief Plan includes country of origin labeling (COOL) to mandate that consumers know where their beef really comes from. It’s clear Americans want beef from America. But without proper labeling, Montana ranchers are left behind.

I’m tired of Washington screwing over the little guys.

If you’re with me, add your name next to mine to support the Rancher Relief Plan and make sure folks know where their beef is coming from.


We can’t allow this rigged system to hurt Montanans anymore. Thanks for signing.

— Jon