From Cystic Fibrosis Foundation <[email protected]>
Subject CF doesn’t wait. Neither can Emilee.
Date December 27, 2024 4:10 PM
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Emilee Pehrson, a 44-year-old with cystic fibrosis, was first hospitalized when she was 15.

"At the time, it felt like the beginning of the end," she said. "It meant no matter if I did everything perfectly, CF was still going to affect my life."

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In 2020, she started Trikafta. While the medication helps keep her health stable, she is still hospitalized two to three times a year, completes three daily breathing treatments, and requires supplemental oxygen.

But for every challenge with CF, she pushes through for her children: Cambree, 20, and Lawson, 14.

"I always wanted to be a mom," she said. "It wasn't something I thought I'd ever be able to do, physically. But I still want more -- I want to be a grandma."

As 2024 ends, we reflect on our progress while recognizing how much more we need to do.
We need your support today to help cure this disease ([link removed]).

CF doesn't wait. Neither can Emilee. Neither can others with CF who are urgently awaiting a breakthrough.

Advanced therapies are more complex and costly than anything we've pursued before.
Your contribution today is key to helping us invest in the most promising CF science and get closer to a cure ([link removed]).


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