John, I’m Ben Greene, a transgender advocate, author, political organizer in St. Louis, Missouri, and the Advocacy Chair of PFLAG Greater St. Louis. Three years ago, I began a journey to give a free presentation to every PFLAG chapter in the country to spread empathy, education, and storytelling around the trans experience. 110 PFLAG meetings later, the countless families I have met have shown me a mosaic of a world worth fighting for – a country full of people leading with love. I know with the incoming administration, it sometimes feels like certain communities with people who didn’t have a loving first reaction to a coming out conversation are a lost cause. But it’s exactly these places where PFLAG is needed most. Help elevate LGBTQ+ visibility and family stories all year long with a year-end tax-deductible donation to PFLAG National today. Week after week, Zoom call after Zoom call, I spent time virtually and in-person at PFLAG meetings, speaking with families, hearing their stories, and learning about the many ways they were showing up for their LGBTQ+ loved ones with force. So this is my love letter to PFLAG. This undertaking has been one of the most meaningful things I've done in my life. To all the PFLAG folks I’ve met who have uplifted my story, our work, and this amazing community – you mean the world to me. The time, energy, love, and resources you all give so tirelessly to PFLAG gives me so much hope for the world we are building together. Let’s ensure every parent, family member, ally, or LGBTQ+ person who needs PFLAG can find PFLAG. Please make your most generous gift before the end of 2024. Thank you for the opportunity to share my story with you. And thank you, PFLAG – I couldn’t imagine a better partner in the fight for an equitable, inclusive world where every LGBTQ+ person is safe, celebrated, empowered and loved. With thanks, |