The Netflix miniseries, Tiger King, has placed a spotlight on the captive wildlife trade in the U.S. But the show didn’t begin to expose the trade’s real horrors. Our legal campaign to shut it down has exposed cruelty and neglect of animals – including endangered animals, like tigers – on a rampant scale. A shocking lack of federal legal protections has allowed such cruelty to continue. But there is an exciting new opportunity to protect magnificent big cats – The Big Cat Public Safety Act.
The Big Cat Public Safety Act, a bill in Congress, would help end the rampant abuse of tigers, lions, and other big cats across the country. The Animal Legal Defense Fund is working tirelessly with other animal advocacy groups across the country to pass this important law — and we need your help! Your gift today will help strengthen our fight to enact this powerful piece of legislation, and other much-needed legal protections for abused, neglected, and exploited animals.
If passed, this bill would prohibit the private ownership of big cats, and direct public contact with them including cub petting — a cruel practice in which newborn cubs are torn from their distressed mothers moments after they’re born, then worked to exhaustion and often physically abused so they can be passed around for tourist photo opportunities. Sadly, once these captive-born cubs are too big for this purpose, some are illegally killed while others are sold into the wild “pet” trade where many end up in cruel roadside zoos.
The exploitation of wildlife for profit must stop, John. If you are appalled by the cruel treatment of these animals, then I urge you to join the Animal Legal Defense Fund today and fuel our fight for animals with a lifesaving contribution.
We’ve been fighting relentlessly against roadside zoos for years — filing lawsuits to shut down these cruel facilities and move the animals to reputable sanctuaries. Our major victory against Cricket Hollow Zoo where we rescued hundreds of animals, including endangered lions and tigers, set a federal legal precedent that the protections of the Endangered Species Act (ESA) applied to endangered animals in captivity, as well as those in the wild. That groundbreaking precedent has enabled us to successfully shut down other facilities that abuse and neglect endangered animals, and we will continue to do so. |
But there’s so much more work to be done. Your contribution to the Animal Legal Defense Fund will aid in the fight to establish strong animal protection laws, like the Big Cat Public Safety Act, that will protect animals from cruelty and exploitation.
Your generosity and support makes our lifesaving legal work for animals possible. And your continued support now will help us make even more progress for big cats and other abused, neglected, and exploited animals. |
For the animals,
Stephen Wells
Executive Director
This email was sent to [email protected].
© 2020 Animal Legal Defense Fund
525 East Cotati Avenue, Cotati, CA 94931 | (707) 795-2533