Donations DOUBLED for people like Caleigh
Dear John,
Imagine climbing a flight of stairs, running to catch the bus or even laughing just a little too hard. For most, these everyday activities don’t even cross the mind. But for people with chronic lung diseases — people like Caleigh — those scenarios can trigger an urgent fight for air.
Caleigh has cystic fibrosis, or “CF.” CF is an incurable genetic disease that required her to get two double lung transplants. Having faced her own mortality at such a young age, she knows how high the stakes are when it comes to lung health. That’s why I’m reaching out to you, in support of people like Caleigh, to ask you to please donate today and your donation will double for 2X the lifesaving impact.
As the Chief Medical Officer for the American Lung Association, I’ve met too many people like Caleigh who are battling for every breath, every day. But there are reasons to have hope. Your donation today will fuel the groundbreaking research leading to more treatments and cures for lung diseases like CF, and will provide free, lifesaving support services for people struggling to breathe.
Support lung health this year end by making your doubled gift today!
Thank you for doing your part,
Albert Rizzo, MD, FACP Chief Medical Officer, American Lung Association