John, in a second, I’m going to ask you to make an End of Year donation to support Victory Fund’s work in 2025 (you can do it now if you want!). I want you to know what you’ll be supporting: future rainbow waves.
2025 hasn't started yet, but we know we're going to have some tough fights ahead of us. The anti-equality majority in the U.S. House has spent their time making hateful speeches about trans people, while attaching anti-LGBTQ riders to many bills. We're working to make LGBTQ+ history in states like Louisiana and Virginia, and building a deep bench of LGBTQ+ leaders across the country.
And with extremist anti-LGBTQ groups like Moms for Liberty and the Proud Boys training candidates and launching campaigns, we can’t afford to ignore down-ballot races. And between book bans and targets on LGBTQ+ kids, we’ve seen what happens when LGBTQ+ voices aren’t in the room – and the power their voices have when they speak out.
The state and local candidates we elect next year will have a huge impact on the daily lives of their future constituents. They're the first line of defense against anti-equality legislation in their bodies. These legislators work overtime to ensure our cities, towns and school boards promote pro-equality legislation and help change perceptions of LGBTQ+ people in their communities.
That’s why we need your support now: to ensure we have the resources to push back against extremists and elect these amazing down-ballot candidates! Pitch in today to power the 2025 rainbow wave!
We don’t know what’s going to happen in 2025 quite yet – though we have an idea or two! – but we know it will be another intense election cycle. Bigots still haven’t learned that attacking trans people is a losing political strategy, but they’re sure to keep trying. And we’ll undoubtedly endorse more pro-choice LGBTQ+ candidates!
No matter what comes next, we need to be ready. Our candidates are counting on us – and we’re counting on you. Donate today to power Victory Fund’s essential work and support the 2025 Rainbow Wave!
Thank you,
Lizzie Bjork
Pronouns: she/her
Political Manager, LGBTQ+ Victory Fund