
December 27, 2024

Here is the Stand on the Word reading for today:

Isaiah 40

Reflection Questions:

1. The fulfillment of Isaiah 40:3-5 can be found in the Gospels (see Luke 3:4-6) with the mission of John the Baptist and ministry of the Messiah, who would tend His flock like a Shepherd and carry His lambs close to His heart. How could God's people be sure these promises would be fulfilled (see Isa. 40:8)?

2. What promises are given to those who wait in dependence on the Lord (40:31)?

  1. Renew their strength
  2. Soar on wings like eagles
  3. Run and not be weary
  4. Walk and not faint
  5. All of the above

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May you encounter God today in the reading of His word!

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