
As Americans continue to struggle in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, where is our federal government? Donald Trump’s reckless response to this public health crisis has made the United States the world leader - by a very large margin - in COVID-19 cases and deaths. More than 90,000 Americans have now died from this virus. We are facing our highest unemployment rate since the Great Depression, and one-time $1200 payments have proven clearly insufficient (if they’ve arrived at all). Trump has based his response to states’ requests for PPE on whether their governors are “appreciative” of his efforts. Major corporations have gained access to bailouts and small business loans, and people across the country are facing the risk of having to choose between their health and their right to vote.

Women and their families – who are especially vulnerable to the devastating health and economic impacts of this pandemic – are particularly impacted by this crisis. They are being left behind, left out, and in some cases, actively attacked. As the Senate prepares to consider the HEROES Act, an additional stimulus package, we need to prioritize real relief.

Tell the Senate: We Demand More

We need Congress to:

  • Prioritize our health and safety ahead of corporations;
  • Get life-sustaining relief to us now;
  • Strengthen state governments responding directly to the COVID crisis;
  • Stop the attacks on our reproductive care, including abortion access; and
  • Protect our safety and our right to vote in 2020.

For any federal response to the COVID-19 pandemic to be effective, it must put the needs of its most vulnerable citizens first. It must ensure safety and security for the many, not the few.

Sign if you agree: Our lives, livelihoods, and families depend on and deserve more from the federal government – and we must demand more.

In solidarity,

Free Speech For People

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