Happy Thursday, comrades!
Lots of exciting news this week, including our big Saturday general meeting featuring Meagan Day and Micah Uetricht of Jacobin, a proposal for an anti-austerity priority campaign, and our Y'allidarity slate of DSAers running for Bernie Delegate.
Saturday 5/23 General Meeting: Bigger Than Bernie
Our next meeting will be held this Saturday, 5/23 at 4-6pm. It will be conducted online over Zoom! We'll be joined by Meagan Day and Micah Uetricht of Jacobin Magazine to discuss their new book, Bigger Than Bernie, in which they dig into the real meaning of "Not Me, Us" and discuss how DSA can continue Bernie's political revolution.
The Meeting Agenda
This meeting, we'll also debate and vote on Resolution 20-7: Establishing an Anti-Austerity Campaign. This will be the first time we formally conduct business online. Members in good standing will vote through an online form shared during the meeting. You are a member in good standing if you have paid national dues within the last year. If you can't remember if you've paid dues lately, pay or renew your national dues today (and pay monthly dues so you don't forget again!) You can't renew your dues during the meeting, so renew them now! To designate a proxy voter, register here by 11:59pm ET on Friday, May 22nd.
DSA Members run for Bernie Delegate in Georgia
Metro Atlanta DSA is proud to endorse Y’allidarity, a slate of 16 DSA members running to represent Georgia at the 2020 Democratic National Convention as delegates pledged to our democratic socialist presidential candidate, Bernie Sanders.
Even though Bernie has withdrawn, we still need to send democratic socialist delegates to the DNC to fight for working class demands: for Medicare For All, A Green New Deal, a Federal Jobs Guarantee, and a People’s Bailout. The Convention will be a huge political moment for the country, so having organized DSA members on the convention floor will be critical. We need to leverage this moment to popularize democratic socialism and demonstrate to the greater working class that there is an alternative, that a better world is possible.
The caucus registration deadline has already passed, but if you're already registered for the online caucuses: vote for the Y’allidarity Slate in the Democratic Party of Georgia’s online caucuses to select District-Level Bernie Delegates this Saturday, 9am-5pm!
Join our Socialist Book Club!
WHAT? Parts I & II of What Is To Be Done? by Vladimir Lenin. Available here: https://www.marxists.org/archive/lenin/works/1901/witbd/
WHEN? Every other Saturday. Our next meeting is May 30th, 2020 from 2:00pm to 3:30pm.
WHERE? To keep everyone safe during the COVID-19 pandemic we’ll continue to meet online via Zoom. Links to join the Zoom meeting will be made available via Facebook message to everyone who’s interested/attending, as well as the Reading-Discussion channel in the Metro Atlanta DSA slack right before the meeting.
WHY? To connect with and over socialist history, literature, and theory. Come to learn or teach!
Once Again, We Are Asking For Your Financial Support.
If you are able, please consider paying monthly local dues on top of your national DSA dues to support our local mutual aid & organizing work.
You’re helping us inspire, inform, and ACT across this city and we couldn’t be more thrilled with the positive direction that the chapter is moving in, even in the face of this crisis. A part of that is local dues - supporting the chapter outside of paying national dues helps us in ways that are difficult to even summarize. Local dues are optional and aren't tied to membership right. But still, even $5 or $10 a month adds up, and it helps us pay for printing and signage, our Zoom account, storage space, and much more.
Slack is a web chat platform that many of our members use to coordinate between committee and working group meetings. If you’re a member, you can join our Slack workspace. We regularly send invites to new members, but if we missed you, just forward your national dues email receipt to [email protected].
That's all for this week! Excited to see y'all in the meeting this Saturday.
In Solidarity, Nate K
Recording Secretary