Mises Institute
Thursday, December 26, 2024
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Economists and the State: From Enemies to Friends
Joseph T. Salerno
The state and its friends reject the scarcity principle and uphold its polar opposite, the Santa Claus principle.
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We Desperately Need Sound Money, Not Tariffs
George Ford Smith
President-elect Trump has declared that he will raise tariffs his first day in office. Our economy, however, does not need government-created roadblocks to trade.
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The Jeffersonian Revolution and the Defeat of Hamilton
The peaceful Revolution of 1800 ended the Hamiltonian era.
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Why Socialism Always Fails
Mises explains why socialism always fails due to the absence of a free market pricing structure for capital goods.
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Nations by Consent
If we deconstruct the modern nation-state, we shall reduce the scope of government power, the importance of voting, and the extent of social conflict.
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Nation, Migration, and Trade: Essays on Mises and the Classical Economists
How Ludwig von Mises viewed national boundaries, population movement, and free trade through the lens of Austrian economics.
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A Genuine Gold Dollar vs. the Federal Reserve
In recent years an increasing number of economists have understandably become disillusioned by the inflationary record of fiat currencies.
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The Misesian
Another national election has come and gone. Unfortunately, though, opposition to the status quo is not the same thing as support for peace, freedom, or free markets.
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