N.B. There’s still time to give by check (9 East 40th Street, Tenth Floor, New York, NY 10016), stock (Charles Schwab; DTC clearing: 0164; Account #: 4634-3633), and other means (donor-advised fund, wire).
If you won’t be able to give by December 31 but would like your gift to count toward our year-end campaign, please contact Claire Giuntini at [email protected].
Earlier this year, FIRST THINGS dispatched Samira Kawash to investigate a pressing question: Why are so many campus ministries at elite universities thriving?
She presents her findings in “The Campus Ministry Boom” from our October 2024 issue: Students are finding the anchor they seek in old-time religion.
Unsatisfied by the answers our culture presents and unmoored from the traditional anchors of a flourishing society, more people are seeking something worth living for.
And when they come, they don’t want the sanitized, watered-down version of the faith. They want the Real Thing.
They want serious engagement with the deepest questions of the human experience, not self-help. They want real authority, not an invitation to “define their own meaning.”
Your year-end support will guide them toward what they seek.
For thirty-five years, FIRST THINGS has wrestled with the deepest questions of religious faith, the human experience, and public life. For thirty-five years, FIRST THINGS has pointed readers toward the ultimate source of all Truth.
Will you partner with FIRST THINGS to present the Real Thing to the many seekers in our families, neighborhoods, communities, workplaces?
Give now at supportfirstthings.com or using the secure link below.