Our nation is looking for answers, and FRC is shining the light of biblical truth in the darkness.

December 26, 2024

Dear John,

With Christmas behind us, we now look ahead to the New Year.

The start of a new year brings with it the prospect of a fresh start; a time when people resolve to make changes in their lives.

And come January, as people begin to buckle down and commit to new habits, we want to encourage you with a specific New Year's resolution: to spend more time in God's Word.

What better habit could we form, than to spend precious time with our Creator?

God's Word has power, as the author of Hebrews describes it, "...living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword..." (Hebrews 4:12 ESV).

It is through God's Word that He brought the world into being. And it is through His Word made flesh, Jesus Christ, that He has redeemed the world.

Unfortunately, our nation seems to be bent on trying every solution but submission to His Word. But we know that no man-made solution can solve our problems.

It is up to Christians to shine the light of biblical truth into the culture.

Through our Stand on the Word Bible reading plan, daily video devotionals, and other resources like our study guides for Jeremiah, Nehemiah, Joshua, and Ephesians, FRC is doing everything we can to equip generations of Christians not only to spend more time in God's Word, but also to understand what His Word teaches.

But we need your help to share these important resources with others.

Thanks to an increased $3 million challenge match from generous friends of FRC, your gift until December 31 will be DOUBLED, enabling us to get these crucial resources into the hands of more people in 2025.

Can we count on you to join us?


In 2024 The Wall Street Journal reported that Bible sales in the United States increased by 22% compared to last year.

But even more amazingly, many of these sales were driven by first time buyers!

We live in anxious, uncertain, and dark times, and while it is a true blessing that people are turning to the Bible for answers, it is our job as Christians to make sure they understand what Scripture teaches.

As FRC President Tony Perkins succinctly put it: "[S]imply buying a Bible is just the beginning. Reading it, understanding it, and applying its teachings as a guide for life are the essential next steps."

FRC is lighting the way forward, equipping new believers and lifelong Christians alike with the resources they need to understand what Scripture actually teaches, so they can apply it to every aspect of life -- including public policy!

Our Center for Biblical Worldview is working hard to train pastors, churches, and congregants with a true, biblical worldview as we explore what God's Word teaches about abortion, "transgenderism," marriage, human sexuality, and more.

James 1:22 commands us, "Be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves" (James 1:22 ESV).

John, together, we can share FRC's Stand on the Word Bible reading plan with more people, and be true doers of the Word, defending biblical truth in Washington D.C., and pointing more and more Americans back to the Bible as the inspired Word of God.


Don't forget, until December 31 your gift to FRC will make 2X the impact to advance biblical truth across America, thanks to our recently increased $3 million challenge match!

John, thank you for joining us for our Stand on the Word Bible reading plan. We are truly grateful for your continued support and prayers.

Together, we will continue to shine the light of God's Word and disciple others to make a lasting, kingdom impact.

Family Research Council

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