From Catholic Action For Faith And Family <[email protected]>
Subject Jan. 1 Cardinal Burke Holy Mass for Operation Storm Heaven ... Submit Your Intentions Now!
Date December 26, 2024 4:00 PM
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Submit Your Storm Heaven Intentions Today! <[link removed]>

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Dear Friend,

On this Second Day Of Christmas, also known as St. Stephen's Day, may the Infant Savior, through His Blessed Mother, continue to bestow upon you an abundance of joy, peace, and love.

As we enter the New Year, what intentions would you like to be remembered at the January 1 Holy Mass and Holy Rosary, offered by His Eminence Raymond Cardinal Burke?

January 1 is an Octave Day of the Nativity. Let us focus on the Infant King, whose magnificence embraces the entire world with His holy hand.    

Please take time to submit your new intentions now to be presented for the Operation Storm Heaven Mass and Holy Rosary to be offered on Wednesday, January 1. Remember to add an intention that many graces will be bestowed upon Cardinal Burke.

<[link removed]>Please Click Here to Submit Your Intentions <[link removed]>

Be assured that His Eminence Cardinal Raymond Burke and thousands of Rosary Warriors from around the world will be praying in unison for your intentions. 

The month of January is dedicated to the Holy Name of Jesus.

St. Bernard of Clairvaux, a Doctor of the Church, said: “Are you troubled? Think but of Jesus, speak but the name of Jesus, the clouds disperse and peace descends anew from heaven. Have you fallen into sin? So that you fear death? Invoke the name of Jesus and you will soon feel life returning. No obduracy of the soul, no weakness, and coldness of heart can resist this holy name – there is no heart which will not soften and open in tears at this holy name.”

Exorcists say the name of Jesus to break off a relationship between a demon and a human being. Foul language and taking the name of Jesus in vain are so common in today’s conversations.  Do you show reverence by bowing your head every time you say the name of Jesus? If you’re not in the habit of doing so, make it one of your New Year’s resolutions. 

Thank you for being part of Cardinal Burke's Rosary Crusade, Operation Storm Heaven. There are 15 Promises Our Lady gave to those who pray the Holy Rosary. Therefore, I encourage you to recite the Holy Rosary every day as Our Lady requested, if you do not do so already. Our website has extensive content for your review, as well as the prayers and mysteries: [link removed] <[link removed]>

<[link removed]>Please Click Here to Send Your New Intentions Before the 1st of January <[link removed]>

Your family members, loved ones and friends may have intentions that they would like to submit, so please forward this email and ask them to click here <[link removed]>.

In His Holy Name,

Thomas McKenna

Founder and President

Catholic Action For Faith And Family
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