Step 4) Erase simple shapes and curves, and outline the pronghorn
Lightly erase the simple shapes and curves you’ve drawn up to this point. You want to erase as much as you can but the shapes should still be barely visible. While referring to the trout reference, start drawing the outlines of the fish by following the contours of the shapes you just erased.You do not need to draw lightly for this part and you may use your pencil or a pen if you want to be brave. Take your time!
  Step 5) Add more detail
Look at the trout drawing reference and start drawing finer details of the fish including its eye, nostril, mouth, fins and gills. Remember to draw shapes and lines you see and not what you think it “should” look like. When drawing the lines within the fins, try to notice how each one starts and stops in different locations. Draw these details.
 Step 6) Add final details
Cutthroat trout are special because of their unique body patterns. They have dark spots everywhere on their bodies. These dots all have unique shapes and none are perfect circles. Draw the spots.
 Step 7) Decide what you want to do next
If there are pencil lines you don’t like, erase them if you can. Feel free to stop at this point. If you want to keep going, feel free to add more detail and color. Color can be added in so many ways including colored pencils, crayons and paint. Ask an adult what options you have for coloring your fish. You may use the reference drawing to help you choose colors or you may also ask an adult to help you search for other photos of Bear River cutthroat trout on the internet for inspiration.
 Step 8) Be proud of yourself
When you feel like you're done, sign your name at the bottom of your paper so everyone knows you made this beautiful art piece! Display it somewhere in your home or give it to a loved one.
Remember that sometimes, we may not like our first, second or even third attempt when we draw animals and that’s okay! Don’t be afraid to start over and keep practicing.
We would love to see your trout!