YRNF LIVE | MAY 21ST Join us with Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt at 8pm eastern
Join us this Thursday night, May 21st, for YRNF Live with Eric Schmitt, the Attorney General for the state of Missouri. The Attorney General recently filed suit in federal court against the Chinese Communist Party alleging that their actions to suppress information, arrest whistleblowers, and deny the contagious nature of the 2019 novel Coronavirus led to loss of life and severe economic consequences in Missouri.
“COVID-19 has done irreparable damage to countries across the globe, causing sickness, death, economic disruption, and human suffering. In Missouri, the impact of the virus is very real - thousands have been infected and many have died, families have been separated from dying loved ones, small businesses are shuttering their doors, and those living paycheck to paycheck are struggling to put food on their table," said Attorney General Schmitt. “The Chinese government lied to the world about the danger and contagious nature of COVID-19, silenced whistleblowers, and did little to stop the spread of the disease. They must be held accountable for their actions.”
In addition to General Schmitt, we have an exciting line-up so join us online to hear from special guests from across the nation on current events, policy and politics!
During this national emergency, it's important for us to care about the most vulnerable among us. The Young Republican National Federation has launched the Young Republican Community Calls initiative, and we're asking for your help! Sign-up to make calls by clicking here.
We're making phone calls to check-in on elderly Americans across the country. During this pandemic, many older Americans are stuck inside without much external contact. We're calling them to ask if they're doing okay, connect them with local resources if need be and encourage them to sign-up to vote by mail this year. Most importantly, this is a simple phone call that offers a warm hello during a very challenging time. This is an opportunity for our generation to step up while staying in.
The community calls program will be closing in at the end of May!