Dear Friend, As many of us take time today to reflect and connect, I want to share how grateful we are for supporters like you. This year, because of you, we’ve defended democracy, confirmed President Biden’s judges, and fought back against extremist attacks on our rights. But as Trump’s MAGA enablers lay out their plans for 2025, we know what’s coming – and we must be ready. Right now, every dollar you give during our crucial end of year campaign will be matched dollar-for-dollar to power the work ahead. That means your gift will go twice as far to fight back against Project 2025 and protect everything we’ve achieved. Will you make a matched gift today to help us prepare for the fight ahead? >> Trump and his enablers are counting on us to fall short, but when we come together, we can meet this moment. Chip in now to have your gift doubled and power the resistance we need. Thank you for standing with us. People For the American Way