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You are invited to participate in a joint CHBA and National Research Council (NRC) project examining current air barrier details of party walls and ceilings.
There are two (2) opportunities for participation:
1. Provide drawn details, schematics, diagrams, photos, and/or 2D, 3D computer models (if available) of your practices in party wall and ceiling air barrier construction. Junction points of party wall/exterior wall, party wall/floor and party wall/ceiling are particularly of interest. Any details provided will be anonymized by NRC.
2. Being involved in the project advisory committee.
Full project details are available here.
To join the Air Barriers for Party Walls and Ceilings project, please email Pauline Rupp ([email protected]) with the subject line “Joining the Party” before May 29, 2020.
Industry Training Authority
ITA is hosting a webinar on Thursday, May 28th at 10:30 a.m., to seek industry feedback about the order that Carpentry content is taught during technical training in school — this is your opportunity to let ITA know what works or doesn’t work for you about the sequencing of training.
Please pre-register to confirm your availability here (after registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar)
Further information about the webinar can be found below:
- Current sequencing details. Please review before the webinar.
- Your feedback will be taken after the webinar and sent to the Harmonization Team in Ottawa to inform the Red Seal Occupational Standard Development Workshop.
- A survey will be going out to all sponsors, apprentices and journeypersons later in the spring to gather their thoughts and feedback.
WorkSafeBC has provided employers with information and resources to assist them in ensuring the risk of exposure to the virus that causes COVID-19 is minimized at their workplace.
Employers are required to develop a COVID-19 Safety Plan that outlines the policies, guidelines, and procedures they have put in place to reduce the risk of COVID-19 transmission. This plan follows a six step process. Employers must involve frontline workers, joint health and safety committees, and supervisors in identifying protocols for their workplace. You do not need a formal plan in place to begin operation, but are expected to develop it while protecting the safety of your workers.
Please review the six step process here.
As everyone is aware, we are well into the pandemic outbreak of COVID-19 across both B.C., Canada, and most of the world. While we all are still adjusting to the current reality, CHBA BC is looking for feedback from members on how COVID-19 has economically affected your business.
We are actively engaged with the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing and the Ministry of Finance on economic recovery. Providing your input on how the below opportunities relate to you, and their relative importance, in your work as a member of CHBA BC will allow us to determine the best steps moving forward on this file.
You can participate in the survey here.
The deadline for your response is Friday, May 22nd, 2020.
Government of British Columbia and WorkSafeBC
- Thursday, May 21 at 7:15 pm (PDT)
- With Minister of Labour Harry Bains, Al Johnson, Vice President of Prevention Services – WorkSafeBC
- Hosted by: Janet Routledge, MLA for Burnaby North
- Submit your questions by noon on Thursday, May 21 You can submit your workplace safety questions here.
You can register and find more information here.

50 Minthorn Blvd.Suite 800, Thornhill, Ontario L3T 7X8