By Joshua Barajas
Senior Editor, Digital
After a chaotic scramble to avoid a partial government shutdown last week, many members of Congress have gone home for the holidays.
Lawmakers were not so lucky in 1963, when many House members were summoned back to Washington, D.C., for a rare Christmas Eve session to push a foreign aid amendment.
Our question: This urgent bill authorized some 4 million tons of an agricultural product to be sold and shipped to the Soviet Union. What was the product?
Send your answers to [email protected] or tweet using #PoliticsTrivia. The first correct answers will earn a shout-out next week.
Last week, we asked: In 2009, PolitiFact debuted its Lie of the Year, giving it to this politician who falsely claimed there were “death panels” in the Affordable Care Act. Who was it?
The answer: Sarah Palin. There was no basis for the former Alaska governor’s claim — the law never had “death panels” — but the lie persisted. PolitiFact said about 30 percent of the public at the time believed this piece of fiction from the then-2008 vice presidential candidate. Drew Altman of KFF Health News, in looking back on this health misinformation, likened it to “pouring gasoline on the already fiery partisan battles about the law.”
Congratulations to our winners: Carol Rutz and Kate Eguchi!
Thank you all for reading and watching. We’ll drop into your inbox next week.